
Hi, I’m Justin and this website is designed to help inform the curious beer drinker. I’m no beer expert, but I provide brief reviews of beers I’ve tried. This blog was started at the end of 2007 mostly as a catalog for myself of beers I’ve had (often couldn’t remember if I liked a given beer or not). The reviews present a rating on a 5 point scale. The score is based on aroma (how does it smell?), appearance (how does it look?), flavor (does this taste good? would I have another?), palette (how does this roll on the tongue and throat?) and my overall opinion. The score is determined using the method found on ratebeer.com. Some reference points:

Score                           Meaning

0.0 – 1.0                      Frat party material only. Only drink this if you have a funnel handy.
1.1 – 2.0                      Drink it if it’s free.
2.1 – 3.0                      Decent enough, but you likely won’t be too impressed.
3.1 – 4.0                      Good brew – definitely worth drinking.
4.1 – 5.0                      Cheers! it doesn’t get any better.

If you’re not quite ready to give up Bud Light and the like, I might suggest you give some of the Hefeweizens I’ve reviewed a look. These still have the ‘drinkability’ you’re used to, but much more complexity in taste! You can browse beers by style or origin by clicking on the appropriate link in the right column of the site. Also, after trying these beers review them yourself by making comments. The more opinions the better!


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