Harpoon Celtic Ale

Harpoon Celtic AleStyle: red ale
Alc./Vol.: 5.4%
Rating: 2.9/5.0

I don’t really get into St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, but I grabbed a 6-pack of Harpoon Celtic Ale this year (although I doubt I actually had one on the actual holiday). In all honesty it was on sale at Whole Foods and I decided to give it a try since Harpoon makes some other decent brews. It’s dark orange/red in color, and clear with a white head. Aroma is of malts. The beer sputters around in the mouth a bit during the sip but never gets anywhere interesting. I wanted some complex flavors, but was greeted with just a flat barley taste along with a cherry hint. Carbonation is at a healthy moderate level however and there’s a slight hop kick that gives the beer it’s fresh, dry aftertaste. This is decent, but certainly not one of Harpoon’s greatest hits.

~ by jiwerks on March 23, 2009.

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