Cape Ann Fisherman’s Navigator 2008

Fisherman's NavigatorStyle: Doppelbock
Alc./Vol.: 8%
Rating: 3.4/5.0

My wife and I traveled with a couple of our friends to the Cape Ann Brewery in Gloucester, MA yesterday for a tour and tasting session. No one else was there so we got a great tour by the owners and sampled several of their beers. I left with a growlers of their winter seasonal, the Navigator, and the Dunkelweizen. The Navigator is deep red in color and cloudy. Bottled versions may not be cloudy, but all of their drafts are unfiltered. The aroma is mostly of malts and hops. The beer hits you with some rich chocolate and cinnamon flavors at first but then the hops take over for a slightly bitter aftertaste. Alcohol isn’t overtly present. The beer goes down smooth, and doesn’t overload on the carbonation. This is a fine beer if you can find it.

~ by jiwerks on December 31, 2008.

2 Responses to “Cape Ann Fisherman’s Navigator 2008”

  1. I’m looking forward to your review of the DunkelWeisse. I’ll let you know what i think when you post it.
    Side note: Can you recap a growler and still maintain it’s beer integrity? I’m worried it will go flat and loose taste. Of course this problem might be an excellent justification to pound a gallon of beer…silver lining!

  2. Growlers, which actually hold a half gallon of beer, keep for 7-10 days refrigerated. Once you open a growler, you should drink the beer within 3 days. After that – yes it just kinda goes flat. The dunkelweizen will be reviewed this weekend.

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