Hebrew Origin Pomegranate Ale

Hebrew OriginStyle: fruit
Alc./Vol.: 8%
Rating: 3.2/5.0

I don’t think I’ve ever had a pomegranate by itself, but this beer has given me some insight into what one might taste like. Sweet and a bit tart, the Hebrew Origin Pomegranate Ale succeeds in not being disgustingly fruity. The counter to the ripe sweetness is not so much the hops as it is the alcohol. In appearance, the brew is a clear, medium amber with a fizzy cream colored head. Smell is fruity with some malt aroma. The ending is especially dry and sour, but only slightly bitter. An interesting concoction for sure, but it still tastes like a work in progress.

~ by jiwerks on March 29, 2009.

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